Tagliolo Monferrato e Belforte Monferrato
Provincia di Alessandria
Piemonte, Italia
"In order to be a democrat it is not enough to mention democracy"
Alessandro Figus
Figus Alessandro is Municipal councillor of Belforte Monferrato and leader of the Movement "Concezione Bene Comune from June 2024
With the Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Dr. Sayasat Nurbek
With Prof. Serik Omirbayev
Pro Rector IT Astana University
Da sempre fra i protagonisti del panorama internazionale, la Francia adotta scelte di politica interna e internazionale che ancora ci obbligano a guardare con grande attenzione al modello della Quinta Repubblica. Alessandro Figus illustra nel volume come questa compagine politica e giuridica muova dalla storia per arrivare all’oggi. Con competenza e senso critico, chiarisce i passaggi che fanno comprendere la maturazione di un sistema più volte preso a modello per riforme istituzionali anche nel nostro paese. Nell’integrare la dimensione storico-culturale con quella dell’attualità storica e giuridica lascia poi spazio all’approfondimento delle peculiarità politico- istituzionali dell’articolato e al tempo stesso originale “sistema politico semipresidenziale alla francese”. Ciò che leggiamo ci insegna che ogni riforma istituzionale, oltre a ricercare la più ampia condivisione dei criteri e degli apporti, deve parallelamente tenere conto dei processi storici che si sono succeduti, maturando in tal senso modelli autoctoni e non esportabili. La Francia è stato paese fondatore dell’UE e riveste ancora un ruolo importante nello scacchiere globale: in questo senso l’Autore ci aiuta a comprendere meglio il suo modello, il suo tradizionale ruolo euro-mediterraneo, le sue scelte strategiche, il suo tentativo di integrazione conseguente alle grandi migrazioni.
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Having always been among the protagonists of the international scene, France has always made choices of domestic and international politics that still oblige us to look with great attention to the model of the "Fifth Republic". In this book, Alessandro Figus illustrates how this political and legal structure has been moving throughout history to get to this day. With competence and critical sense, the author highlights the steps to make us understand the maturation of a system often taken as a model for institutional reforms, also in our country. In integrating the historical-cultural dimension with the historical and juridical actuality, the focus is then set on in-depth analysis of the political-institutional peculiarities of the French semipresidential political system, articulated and original at the same time . What we read teaches us that every institutional reform, in addition to seeking the widest sharing of criteria and contributions, must also take into account the historical processes that have followed, maturing in this sense an autochthonous models which cannot be exported. France was the founder country of the EU, and still plays an important role in the global chessboard: in this sense the author helps us in better understanding this model alowing with the country's traditional Euro-Mediterranean role, its strategic choices, and its attempt to integrate following the great migrations.
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The opening of the Center for Italian language and culture in the M. Kozybayev NKSU
On October 16 2019, the Center of the Italian language and culture was opened at M. Kozybaev NKSU. The initiative for its creation belongs to the vice-rector for internationalization Alessandro Figus and is dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci. This was the first center in Kazakhstan that taught Italian Language for students and schoolchildren. The first group of children has already been trained here, some of them went on academic mobility to universities in Italy. The knowledge they receive is absolutely free.
At the event, the rector of M. Kozybaev NKSU Serik Omirbayev noted: “The opening of this Center is dictated by the imperative of the time, as multilingualism is becoming the norm in our society. And knowledge of as many languages and cultures as possible always enrich people. The students expressed a desire to learn Italian, and we created the conditions for the realization of their capabilities. ”
The opening ceremony was attended by professors from the Italian universities of Link, Genoa, Palermo. They expressed confidence that this platform will become an additional step for fruitful inter-university cooperation, will bring our cultures together.